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Echelon Investigative Services “Revealing the Unknown” logo

Echelon Investigative Services

“Revealing the Unknown”

Many times in life we find ourselves not knowing the truth. In those moments, anxiety, tension and fear cloud our decision making. Terrible feelings are submerged in the unknown. Is my child safe? Where is my loved one? Is my spouse loyal? Has my employee committed fraud? I am innocent but was charged with a crime. We can feel like we are walking a trail with a blind fold on. Hazards are at every step. The risks are far greater than a sprained ankle. Knowing the facts can guide you through those difficult moments illuminating the path forward.

Echelon Investigators reveal the unknown. We are fact finders, cartographers, truth seekers and our mission is to help you find peace when the facts are revealed. Our investigations provide guidance when the unknown is overwhelming.

We reveal the unknown.

Echelon Investigative Services “Revealing the Unknown” logo

Echelon Investigations utilizes a task force approach which sets them above other investigative agencies. Our team works together, collaboratively. Similar to a homicide investigation, detectives from a major crime unit work in unison to accomplish the mission of the investigation. Each case has an investigative “Captain” and the remaining members of that team support the investigative mission. This methodology yields the attention of the entire team during each stage of the process creating a powerful and effective system for solving cases and ensuring that every possible opportunity for success has been thoroughly examined. This approach guarantees that each client receives the bulk of the experience, training and education Echelon has to offer and therefore the greatest chance of success.

About Us

Echelon Investigations are Licensed and Insured providing elite level, quality investigations to Law Firms, Private Citizens, Small Businesses and Corporations. Our team consists of highly qualified, experienced investigators with resumes filled with law enforcement experience.

Our investigative approach is unique as each investigation is a collaborative effort among investigators. Each investigation is treated like a major crimes unit. Our Investigators work together to accomplish the needs of our clients giving us a substantial head start in accomplishing the investigative goals.

We understand that confidentiality and trust are the hallmarks of a quality investigation. Our clients know the sensitive information gathered will be guarded with the utmost care and respect. Information safety is critical and must be maintained. When faced with any investigative task, you can count on Echelon to report factually while conducting investigations legally, ethically and morally.

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Who We Help

Echelon Investigative Services “Revealing the Unknown” law firms


Details, Facts and Tactics matter. Lawsuits are won and lost on them. When preparing a case, the facts can remain elusive, details can be vague. When conducting investigations the tactics matter. Echelon investigators provide complete investigations that are legal, moral and ethical. We uncover what is not easily seen. When preparing for trial, we can help you find the facts you need to complete a successful case.

Revealing the unknown


Businesses and Corporations are facing many unique challenges and are often met with the responsibility to uncover the facts on their own. Complex issues of workplace harassment, threats of violence, theft, employee misconduct and fraud are harming productivity. Echelon Investigations has the knowledge, experience and tools available to reduce risk and maintain productivity in your workplace.

Echelon Investigative Services “Revealing the Unknown” parties


Many people face the unknown when meeting someone new. There are obvious risks when meeting new people. If the forum is online, at a bar, at church or another social event, a quality background check can bring peace of mind, provide safety and give you the information needed to know if you are walking on solid ground.


Fill in the blanks


Echelon Investigative Services prides itself on maintaining a trustworthy relationship with clients. You can expect our Investigative team to tell you the truth knowing that we are on your side. We
will always provide the safety of discretion and act in the best interest of our clients. Because Investigations are complex and as unique as a snowflake, we ask that you trust our expertise
and judgment. We will explain our reasons clearly and keep your interest and safety the focal points of our work.

You can also rest assured knowing that we will not manipulate the facts we find nor will we misrepresent the truth. We do not control the facts we discover but will always communicate
with you respectfully and with dignity.

This needs to be discussed at the onset of any investigation. This is balanced with what information is needed and the ethical standards by which that information is acquired. Attorneys know all too well that information is precious and that cases can be won and lost not just by the information found, but by the manner in which they are found.
People are often faced with problems they are uncomfortable with and unsure how to solve. If you are concerned that your situation may need an investigator, reach out for a consultation and we can discuss helping you move forward. Your privacy is important and will be maintained.
Many clients have asked investigators for specific things not knowing that by doing so, the investigator may be breaking the law, performing an immoral or unethical act or acting in a way that is not in the best interest of the client. It is in these moments that we, the investigation team, ask for your trust. We ask that you rely on our experience and judgment. When incidents like this come up, you can expect our team to explain the “Why” so you understand how the pieces fit together. Know that we are on your side and as such will not break laws that could harm your case.
During the consultation process, a review of the goals, challenges and time required will be discussed. Because each case is as unique as a fingerprint, we can not make a blanket statement about the cost of your investigation without a consultation. As the investigation progresses, we make every effort to update clients with pertinent information as things develop.
Your investigation is a partnership with us. A retainer gives us the boundaries of our agreement and sets the expectations for what work is to be accomplished. Often during an investigation, events happen quickly. A retainer gives us the freedom to work within those boundaries “on the fly.”

Our repeat clients know that they can trust us to keep them informed and to make good decisions on their behalf when under pressure while keeping the scope of the investigation within agreed parameters.