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Who We Help


Echelon Investigative Services “Revealing the Unknown” law firms
Blindfolded and carrying scales, Lady Justice embodies the virtue of the criminal justice system. The scales measure the evidence. They have no foundation or base and therefore must stand alone. The weight of the evidence alone decides the case as the blindfold ensures that the deciding factors are the evidence and not who is involved. Echelon Investigations embodies this commitment to an ethical process where the evidence is untainted and all persons receive ethical and honorable treatment.
Echelon Investigations is dedicated to legal, moral and ethical tactics during the course of our investigations. During previous law enforcement employment careers, our investigators were witness to illegal, immoral and unethical acts. We witnessed law enforcement officers taking part in theft, deceitfulness, racism, misconduct and violations of public trust. During those incidents, our character did not yield. We did the right thing. We spoke the truth and as a result, corruption was canceled. Every case receives the same steadfast dedication to a moral, honorable investigation. We will not compromise our ethics in the course of our investigations.
Additionally, Echelon often performs the task of process serving. If you are in need of an official delivery of court documents, sensitive paperwork or any other formal service processing, Echelon can help.


Echelon Investigations has the knowledge, experience and tools available to serve both small businesses and major corporations. Every business and corporation needs a safety net. Our team of experienced investigators regularly conducts Employment Background Checks, Fraud investigations, HR and Workers Compensation Investigations, Workplace Violence Prevention, Employee Theft, Misconduct and Abuse investigations and more.
The frequency of misconduct, theft, fraud, discrimination, sexual harassment, work place safety and violence highlight the need for employers to take steps to protect the busines through a thorough and accurate investigation. These types of investigations reduce the likelihood of litigation and ensure that the management is equipped to make the best decisions moving forward. A reliable investigation supports the decisions of management further reducing liability. A good investigation will not only equip management in this way but it will also exonerate employees, identify the guilty and prevent future harmful actions.
Revealing the unknown


Echelon Investigative Services “Revealing the Unknown” parties
Many people face the unknown when meeting someone new. There are obvious risks when meeting new people. If the forum is online, at a bar, at church or another social event, a quality background check can bring peace of mind. Nefarious actors often fraud unsuspecting people out of time, out of money and do great harm emotionally. Often the damage is so significant that it can take years to recover. In cases where there is uncertainty, Echelon can help you see what may not be easily seen. With that knowledge comes peace of mind and the ability to make better decisions. New information changes things.
Are you uncertain about the loyalty of a friend, spouse or family member? Many people feel clouded by emotion and find it difficult to see the correct path forward. Our investigative team can help you. Some clients call with a degree of suspicion while others need documented proof. We discreetly observe and inform. We search and leave no trace, giving you the information you need to take the next step.
If you are being subjected to unwanted harassment? Is someone stalking you at work? Our surveillance team can help you gather the proof to collect the court order of protection you deserve.
Our investigative team uses many sources for information gathering. OSINT or Open Source Intelligence is a network of data available for collection on virtually anyone. In addition to OSINT, Echelon utilizes many other techniques and investigative tools to help uncover and allow our clients to see into the unknown.
Missing persons found is a truly satisfying aspect of investigative work. Our team has been able to help many individuals who are looking for lost loved ones and given the families involved a chance to reconnect and heal. Perhaps an old debt has caused someone to flee. Maybe a safety issue or a threatening circumstance has motivated the disappearance. Whatever the reason, Echelon has the skills and experience to help you reconnect with the people you are seeking to find.
Take the next step and talk with an Investigator. Our consultations are Free and Confidential. We will give you our best advice on what to do and how we can best help. When you talk to Echelon, you are talking to a friend.